The Inflatable Roller!
All your cushions neat and rolled in accordance with labour conditions regulations!
The Inflatable Roller is a new patented system to roll up air cushions. Two persons can roll up any cushion with an acceptable effort into a neatly folded package. The Inflatable Roller enables you to ensure that the air cushion is dismantled in a way that is in no way labour intensive. Model IR H400 is designed for cushions up to 300 kilos and model IR H500 is designed for large and heavy cushions up to 800 kilos. Both models are user friendly and do not have any loose parts. The Inflatable Roller is easy to carry and can be used on any surface.
Acceptable labour intensity
Staff / you always roll in pairs
- Volume reduction / smaller package for storage and transport
Free shipping is included for orders larger than 3 Inflatable Rollers!
You will also receive one free carry bag!
All your cushions neat and rolled in accordance with labour conditions regulations! How does the Inflatable Roller work? View the complete user guide here.
Inflatable Roller
Kruisakker 75674 TX Nuenen
(040) 283 47 81